Aunty Karen won’t ruin Christmas, but a blocked toilet will.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,

Your family came round now your sewer’s blocked . . .  

It’s the season for giving, spending time with your loved ones, eating excessive amounts of food and getting a good dose of Vitamin D. But it’s not only the top button of your jeans that feels the burden of all the delicious festive fare, it’s also your plumbing. It’s times like these that you need to call a professional, but what does that mean and what should you expect when they arrive?

With the combination of extra guests, Christmas cooking and the dreaded post-Christmas clean-up, it should come as no surprise that this is a busy time of year not just for you but also for your drains and if your system is already partially blocked, this extra pressure is often enough to tip it over the edge and you can bet it will be at the most inopportune time too!

So, while the Pipe Doctor team are nice people and great fun to have around for Christmas, here are some practical tips on preparing your drains for the festive season so you can avoid having some one-on-one time with them and you can carry on listening to Aunty Karen’s cat stories without interruption.

  1. Make testing your internal fixtures part of your pre-Christmas preparation and if you notice they are draining slowly or you hear gurgling, it’s best to give Pipe Doctor a call to have them inspected before your guests arrive and avoid any extra unnecessary stress come Christmas day.

  2. If it has been more than 3 years since your septic tank has been emptied this might be a good time to have it looked at. That way you can be sure to avoid an overflowing septic ruining your backyard cricket game.

  3. Install a strainer in the kitchen sink, these are inexpensive but very effective at ensuring food scraps don’t go down the drain and allow you to quickly and easily move food scraps to the bin after rinsing dishes.

  4. Don’t pour fats or oils down the sink, instead wipe greasy pots with a paper towel or drain the fat into a tray or bottle where they can solidify, and you can scrape them into the bin.

  5. Put bins in the bathrooms so that your guests can dispose of non-flushable items such as toilet rolls, sanitary items, baby wipes, Q-tips and paper towels discreetly, rather than flush them down the toilet.

  6. Check outside to ensure your ORG is clear and uncovered so that if your sewer does back up it can overflow outside rather than inside your home.

And finally, know your limits! Minor drainage problems can easily become a catastrophe if not handled by professionals. Unless you are sure you know what you’re doing, don’t try to be a hero, otherwise you could make it a memorable Christmas for all the wrong reasons.

If you find yourself stuck with a blockage that just won’t budge, don’t worry, Pipe Doctor is just a call away. No matter how big or small, we have 24/7 solutions to ensure that you can have your house or business back up and running as quickly as possible.

When you have a drainage disaster you can count on us to get you back up and running.

“Nuck, Nuck, Pipe Doctor” 1300 747 337

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